Animal Strike ... Kanga Banga

Animal Strike ... Kanga Banga

The risk of kangaroo strike on Australian roads is ever-present - particularly during dusk and dawn (somewhat like deer strike in the US an Europe). So, either prepare for ‘the witching hour’ or bear the consequences. In this video, we take a look at the ‘impact’ of sharing a road with a roo at 100 km/hr.

Backyard Bush Tucker

Backyard Bush Tucker

It’s been a good week to spend some quality time in the yard. So, following last week’s theme, here we share our thoughts on backyard Bush Tucker. And watch the video for a walk around the yard with our littlest crew member, Scout. By growing native foods in your own garden, you increase all the family’s ability to identify them - and know better how to use them safely. And you don’t need to be faced with an emergency to enjoy bush food. 

Big Bite

Big Bite

Your rig’s snorkel sucks air. Flat tyres suck. But we’ll talk about them another time. In this blog, let’s take a look at mozzies and to what extent they suck. Yes they’re a threat to health. But they also play a vital role in the ecosystem.